Monday, August 29, 2011

Find a Penny, Pick it Up...Or do You??

It's been a crazy day...let's just face it...I am a procrastinator...

It's not always on purpose though, sometimes it's a matter of balancing a budget, or surgeries, or in general...

So I was running around crazy all day...therapy, house hunting, shopping, teacher meeting, schedule changing, hair cutting, school prepping...

Just another lazy day at the Lords' house...

Anyways, I had to go BACK out this evening to find just a few more things that were out at other stores ( big surprise...hello, the day before school) and by the time I'd left the second store after 9:30PM, I realize that I hadn't eaten dinner.  I'm walking through the parking lot, and low and behold

A shiny penny.

I was going to reach down and picked it up, but kept walking...

I NEVER DO THAT...I'm weird about superstitious stuff...don't ask I said...I'm weird...

So I'm walking along, and think to's okay, I can still have good luck because instead of giving myself good luck, I am being selfless, and letting someone else find it...

YES...this is really going on in my brain...

So I decided to stop for a bite at Arby's...I haven't been there in FOREVER!!  I LOVE their roast beef sandwiches, and it's not too far out of my way...

I drive up, and the first thing the girl at the mic says is "Just to let you know, our slicer is broken, so the only thing we can't serve is our roast beef" 

I then whine out loud, because that is why I went there...that is the only thing I order there...other than their Jamocha shakes, which are DIVINE...but not exactly "dinner food"

After much murmuring, I settle for the shake.

As I'm driving up to the window, I am thinking about that darn penny.

Should've picked it up.

Dang it.

I begrudgingly pull up to the second window as instructed, all the while thinking about how I didn't pick that stupid penny up, and was even planning to tell the cashier about my "mishap" too...

She opened the window, and began speaking...

She says how the crew felt so bad that I came there just for a roast beef sandwich, and they didn't have it, and so as a group they made the decision to give me the shake for free.

Shame on me.

I felt bad...

Here I was trying NOT to pick the penny up so that I could give someone else good luck, then the FIRST opportunity of adversity hits, I immediately wish I had taken the selfish route, and then I'm rewarded in the end??


I offered to pay anyways, they insisted I didn't...

I drove away with my free shake...confused. 

Is it good luck to pick a penny up...or to leave it for someone else...???

The moral of the story:  In times of adversity, sometimes, you just have to wait for the blessing, not assume it isn't there...OH...and Arby's Jamocha Shakes are THE BOMB...and they really are "Good Mood Food"


Kerren said...

Hi Tamra, I have to confess that the penny motto is still one I practically live by. I just cannot help it! I do like your logical thinking about leaving it for someone else, but it will take some serious consideration for me to leave one lying there. . . . especially a shiny new one! I love the way you live life!!! Hope you have a great day! Love you!

Trina said...

Good sentiment. Although, Kevin enthusiastically collects coins and is always looking for old pennies. If I passed one up I wouldn't be able to tell him about it. lol. As for the coffee shake, I'll leave that one to you, ick.

Joleen said...

Mmmm! Jamoca shakes!!! :D
Chin up girly....this too shall pass!

The Cole Family said...

Hahaha!!! Eventhough you are someone thattotally needs some good luck, the blessings you'll get will be so much more by leaving the penny for someone else. I would have had those same thoughts in my head too though!

Miss said...

LOL You crack me up!! Who gives free shakes....for real. That's crazy!!

Laura said...

Me and pennies... and good luck... I can't go there. I have a chronic case of bad luck.

But I've thought that same thing- well, I guess you could say that I've always purposely left the penny. I always hope some little kid will find it and be all excited.

But you are very selfless, and it's something I've always admired. That and how you somehow manage to live through all the crazy things and still have an adorable house filled with adorable kids.

- and thanks for the haircut! I couldn't believe it when he told me you did it. A MAZ ING.

Kristina P. said...

Apparently, they have OREO Jamocha shakes now!! Heaven.

Lindsay said...

You really are the funniest person I know and I love you lots!