Seeing all the younger cousins trying to be master rafters, and building lasting friendships...
Seeing your husband hold your child, and knowing that they won't be small enough to hold forever, but they will always be your baby...
Building traditions with family and friends...
It ALWAYS feels SO NICE to shower when you have been outdoors for SO LONG...
(really Romy...someday, you'll agree...)
Seeing your husband camp so hard that he crashes with your sleeping girl, and realizing that he will be this guy in 30 years, a little older, in a different chair, in the same position holding his grand daughter...
Knowing that the important thing is that a little (or a lot) of dirt up your nose isn't gonna kill ya...
Doesn't matter if you're 3 or's always fun to be a kid!!!
The small things in life get the biggest reactions...(he's looking at a fish papa caught)
Looking out onto the lake at your husband's parents, and seeing that all good things can last forever...that this could be you in 35 years...and that would be amazing...