WOW...I thought my summer would be nice and relaxing...a chance to hang out with the kids in the sun, sleep in, do leisurely activities...etc. UUUURRRCHHHH!!! (the sound of my fantasies coming to a complete and utter HAULT!!)
Here is what I have been doing, and why I cannot seem to find the time to blog about it!!
I had the opportunity to go up to girls camp with the young women in our ward as the Camp Director. It was so amazing, and I learned SO much from them. I can't wait to plan and go again next year!! REALLY!!
I got called as the Mia Maids advisor, which I was super excited about...but then quickly realized that the last and only time I have ever taught anyone was about 7 1/2 years ago, and they were 6 year olds...!! (insert panic here) I am glad to have this opportunity to learn and grow though, and it will force me to be studying all throughout the week!!The kids have been in swimming lessons four days a week. It is great to see them swimming, and learning to be avid in the water. Plus, it gives me the peace of mind that they won't drown if I chase a baby who thinks he can just run straight into the water with no consequences!!My studio got to be a part of the Caldwell City Fourth of July Parade!! I didn't tell anyone about it because I didn't know what to expect, and didn't want everyone to have to drive all the way out here for nothing...! ON THE CONTRARY!! It was really cool! We had a lot of fun, and I was super impressed with the parade itself! It was quite an event! I will be inviting everyone next year!!I had my ten year high school reunion this weekend (yeah, I know...I am old!!) (hahaha)...and survived!! There was drama, fun, weirdness, happiness, stress, anxiety, confusion, excitement, blabbing, and all else that could be expected with people you went to High School with!! It was really fun to go though, and I really did enjoy seeing people that I haven't had a chance to see in a while. Next week, I am excited to get to go on a three day hiking, rafting, camping excursion with the youth group again! Hopefully we make it out alive...!!We have been going up to the Lake on a weekly basis again. SO AWESOME!! The three oldest kids have been on the boogy board every time too! Parker the three year old is LOVING the tube rides and laughs every time he goes over big bumps! He is really getting brave in the water!About four weeks ago, I began couponing. Now, you may think that this is just a small task, but those of you who truly know what I mean by "couponing" know how much time and effort this can take. I get five Sunday papers, research about three blogs, have a binder full of coupons that must be organized weekly, and have been saving a great deal of money doing this. I have logged every one of my shopping trips since I have started, and the worst I have done is 70% off of my groceries. I have to say that happiness is a full pantry, and I was so excited to get a freezer to fill!! I hope to get so much better, and help those around me do the same!!
This last week I chopped off 7 inches of my hair!! I forgot how easy and fun short hair can be, and I am enjoying the drastic change!!
Lastly, we will be going on a week long camp/family reunion the end of this month for Brian's family. We started the tradition last year, and I think Brian's parents felt pressured, and possibly slightly guilty and decided to continue it again this year...HOORAY!! We love it, and whether they like it or not...IT IS GOOD FOR THEM!! LOVE YOU!!!Well, I hope that updates you enough for now...!! I guess I didn't have that much going on...I am just a big slacker!!!