You know those times when you want to swear at the whole world...this would be one of those times...well, not neccessarily the "WHOLE" world...I may just be exaggerating out of utter shock...
I really was trying to have a good day. I may have had a slight breakdown when Brian left for school after his morning break...but hey, it's been a LONG week, and I haven't seen much of him...then I start to feel like we are living two worlds, and maybe he will come home and realize that this girl he married is fat, old and pregnant, and didn't shower yet...!! YIKES...luckily, he is a sweetheart and reminds me that everything he does is for me and the that we can all have a better life...together...sigh...
Moving on...
I did finally shower...and then took Parker to preschool, and on my way home I thought I would stop in to have a house key made for Brian...since he lost his keys over a month ago, and STILL hasn't found them.
Blazer is being quite pleasant, chattering about, and I am waiting in line to have a key made.
Enter: "Poodle Hair" (lady who is buying paint who looks to be in her late 50's and has blondish-gray hair resembling that of a poodle)
So the register is like one of those back-to-back ones so when you are in line, you are directly facing the person who is standing in the opposite line purchasing their items (Poodle Hair). There wasn't a cashier in mine because I was just waiting for my key to be made...
Poodle Hair exclaims to the cashier: "Wow, that is the sixth pregnant person I have seen this week!!"
Me: Smile
Cashier: Smile
Poodle Hair: "Oh, I know why....UNEMPLOYMENT." She then goes on about it, but I couldn't listen anymore...
Cashier: Listens quietly...not saying anything...
Me: SILENCE...this is seriously a huge thing...I was so mad that I was almost shaking. I could TOTALLY feel my face getting hot. I had lines popping in and out of my head such as "Just for your information, I own a dance studio, and my husband runs a carpet cleaning business that services the whole bleepin' Treasure Valley...." and "Who are you to make an ignorant judgement such as and your poodle hair??!!" or "Excuse me miss, HOW many kids do you have??"...there were other things that came to mind, but I would rather not say them out loud...
It seriously took all of my willpower not to say something snappy or rude to her. As I walked out to our car, she was still getting in hers, and I paused briefly thinking I would put in a "LAST WORD"...and then just stomped off to my LOGO-ED car where we make no money, but pop out babies like they are free and are money-enducing products of unemployment...cause we have NOTHING BETTER TO DO...right??
Moral of the Story: "If you can't say somethin' nice....Don't say Nuttin' at all" (Thumper from Bambi)
At least ONE of us understands this concept...psh...