Friday, January 15, 2010

Did you stuff...???

Okay, I am ONLY doing this because someday, my daughter might appreciate what I have put myself through.  I look like I have stuffed my shirt...(amongst other things...) with a giant pillow...and as you can see, this was taken a week ago...when I was a week smaller....AHHHH!!!  I am feeling rather LARGE...!!  It didn't help when I went into my doctors office and the nurse did my vitals and such,  left the room, and about 15 seconds later she bursts back into the room to say "Wow...I thought you were farther along then you are!!!"

and then walks out...

And then there was this time at the grocery store...THE SAME DAY...I went to pay for my groceries, and when I took my card out of my wallet...I fumbled...and it fell.  NO, that is a HUGE understatement...It didn't just "FALL" EVER-SO-CONVENIENTLY went BETWEEN the crack of the register and the "turning bagging thingy" (ya, I have NO IDEA what those are called)  What I DO know is that they are BOTH bolted, glued, or welded to the floor.  AHHHH!!  What the heck was I gonna do??  I tried to get it out with my hands, but of course, they were too big to get back in there to get it.  I could see it but couldn't reach it.  I also made the mistake of doing this at a "high traffic" time of the day.  LOVELY.  So the checker turns off her light....(SORRY LINE BEHIND ME!!!)...and she grabs a folder for me to try and dislodge the card....doesn't work.  She calls a manager over all the while telling me how this has never happened before...YA, I KNOW...He goes off to fetch a hanger.  Just before he returns, Carter realizes that maybe HIS hand is small enough to reach it.  After much effort, he finally dislodges the card so that I can pay for my groceries...!!  I go to put the thing back in my wallet and what do I do...


Seriously people...!!??  LUCKILY it didn't fall into the crack, but it was sitting right next to it laughing and taunting my stupidity of dropping it again...UGH.

I quickly blame the whole scene on my being pregnant (cause that is what you do...right?) and the checker says "Ya, you look like you are ready to POP!!  How far along are you??" 


I told her I was 7 months along...hoping that would make it better...

I dont know that it did...I guess that wasn't TOO far fetched of an answer anyhow...I am close to that...

Which brings me to my last (not neccessarily best) "big belly" story of the day...which happened several weeks ago at church.

I was taking Parker (4 years old) to the drinking fountain...he couldn't reach, so I picked him up.   One of the women in the ward exclaims:

"Put him down!!  You can't be carryin him nine months pregnant!!"

"Oh, don't worry, I am not even close to that...I will be fine..."  (I did say it with a smile, don't worry, I didn't bite her head off...)

Well, I guess the moral of the story is:  If you are short, your belly will go on for miles...and people don't say things to make you feel HUGE, they think they are telling you that you are "CUTE"....

at least...that's what I THINK is going on....
I can't be positive...

DISCLAIMER:  Though I may be sarcastic...I definately don't feel sorry for myself!!  I do love being pregnant, and enjoy feeling the life that is inside of me...


Joleen said...

I got that a lot with the twins. "You have HOW LONG left?!?!?" Yes I know I'm huge! Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

But this time I get the opposite. "You're really that far along? You are so tiny!!" I got that with my 1st...she ended up being 9 pounds!!!
I sure hope this one isn't that big!

Unknown said...

Ohhh, the last few months of pregnancy are soooo long! But yes, you seriously DO look cute!

By the way, how did you get that picture to post so big? You'll have to show me your secret sometime. :)

Kristina P. said...

You look so cute! But I would think you were further along that 7 months.

Alli Blue said...

Yeah, I got the twin thing too, but what do you expect! I think you look darling! And I have that same sweatshirt on right now! :)

Nicole said...

Wow! You are big. sorry, I couldnt help myself! That's how I was with my kids...all belly! You do look very cute and very happy. Congrats....again! Gosh, it seems like not that long ago that you broke the news.

5dollarFanatic said...

I haven't been brave enough to post a belly picture of me for the same reason- short and I am mostly all belly too-I feel so huge and with 3 more months to go..i'll be holding my stomach up with bungee cords or some type of wheelbarrow. It's aggravating to say how far along you are..I cheat too and tell them I am a week ahead (like now-I will say only 12 weeks left-which really isn't a lie since the dr wants to induce me a week early) And as dancers go-I have had tons of "not so graceful" moments with this pregnancy.

Melissa said...

I can totally relate. I fudged my "how far along" q's with all 5 pregnancies. (but then, towards the end I got freaked out about someone wanting to steal my baby- hormones are so lovely- so I tried fudging it the other way.. you know, so they wouldn't kidnap me in a parking lot and do a c-section in the back of their van.... irrational pregnant woman you say? Who me???)

I really think people forget there is a child in there! It takes room to grow a HUMAN.

xoxoxo You are darling.

The Yearsley's said...

You really and truly DO look soooo dang cute! There are just some people who look good being pregnant and you are one of them!

And oh man...what a miserable shopping trip! You poor thing!

The Cole Family said...

Oh i wish i looked as cute as you pregnant. Just be happy your bigness stays in the belly area. You look good and know who to work the belly. Sorry you had such a bad shopping trip YAY to carter for helping :)

Laura said...

Ha ha ha... that was great. I can say it because I've had the super-size belly before. The kind where you've dripped everything you've eaten, cooked or come to close to throughout the day so that by evening it looks tie-dyed. Yeah, I know.

But I still think I like the giant-baby-belly over the just-had-the-baby tummy and people are still asking me when I'm due. ...sigh...

Give yourself a year and you'll look like the supermodel self you are.

Kerren said...

You're beautiful, and the miracle within is . . . well, miraculous!
You know that "sling" thing you promote? Well, I remember wishing for something exactly like that when I was "with child," and I don't mean AFTER the baby arrived . . . I wanted it BEFORE the arrival -- to help carry the load. Have you tried it?

Karine said...

Seriously, other women who have been pregnant, especially NURSES, you would think they would be smarter than that... or more compassionate! UGH! You have nothing to worry about. I think your BEAUTIFUL! I was huge with everyone of mine, I am talking looking like 7 months along at 4. I just grew them big and for some reason my uterus swelled in the begining.
YOU JUST ENJOY THIS TIME! I mean, soon it will be done and that baby will be here. You will fit back into those skinny pants... You look great! Ignore the other people!
Love your BLOG :)

Synergy Girl said...

Thanks everyone for the sweet comments...I just want to say...that even though I have a big belly...I do love being pregnant, and feeling life inside of me!!

Grand Pooba said...

You look adorable, for reals! Not too mnay women can pull off the pregnant look!

I can't wait until I get knocked up so I can blame my stupidity on it lol!

Heather@WHMB said...

Hi! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Sounds like we might have a lot in common, loving your posts. And especially this one. I'm 20 weeks along with my 2nd (and last!) :), and while enjoying the ride it has it's challenges.

I think you look adorable! Happy Friday, thanks again for saying hi.

Anonymous said...

You look adorable! I'd rather have people assume I was 9 months preggers and ready to pop...rather than that dirty old man who thought I was fat and needed to lay off the cookies.


What is up with us dropping shit? I seriously don't have giant, swelled up sausage fingers so what is the deal?!?

A.Lee said...

I hate the "You are epic! Just huge" comments. wHEN WILL PEOPLE LEARN to not make such inflammatory comments to expectant mothers? You should say (if there is a next time): "I'm only six months along, but thanks for making me feel like crap."