Monday, January 4, 2010

Nobody Nose...

Well, I thought it was weird when my now four year old had an odd obsession with putting foreign objects up his nose beginning around 18 months...but apperantly, this is a trend at the Lords house...

I have tiny ziplock baggies with Parker's name and age containing the contents that we have found up his nose (well, only the non-perishable ones that is)...ranging from buttons, to beads, to a chewed off plastic fin of a toy shark...ya, that one was jagged and big, and put him on antibiotics when we didn't find it for three days....AHHH!!!

Blazer has graciously stepped into this roll, and I found two beads up the kids nose recently.  I thought there was only one, but NOPE...he HAD to jam two up there...! 

First bead...

White bead...look WAY up there...

LUCKILY I was able to remove them with our needle-nose pliers, otherwise, it would have been yet ANOTHER trip to the doctor for such incidences...



Anonymous said...

O_MY is this what i have to look forward to?

The Yearsley's said...

What the heck is with those Lords boys? Hahahahaha! Too funny!

Melissa said...

:) Henry was trying to put macaroni noodles up his nose last week... fortunately they were too wiggly to stay straight and go right up.

BOYS! :)

Laura said...

This is one of those moments when I'm knocking on wood. My kids haven't tried it yet, who knows why, and now that my boys are getting a little older, maybe we'll avoid this disaster for life. There's always piercing your ear with fish hooks though, that we've done. Not recommended- disclaimer, it was my four year old boy who fished his twin sister's ear.

Bridgette said...

This is too funny! I am sure you are pretty skilled with needle nose pliers by now!

5dollarFanatic said...

IT must be a boy thing-luckily none of my girls have put things up their noses. By the way I looked at you baby ticker and just realized that we have the same due date-weird two Lords babies may be born on the same day.

A.Lee said...

What? Those crazy boys! My girls have never tried that (knock on wood). Hope it's a short-lived stage for Blazer!

Forrest said...

Amatuer...All great stuffers use the double nostril technique!!

Miss said...

Oh my holy cow...You have the worst luck!!! :P Why oh why do you keep marbles around the house??? LOL

Grand Pooba said...

Oh my gosh! I still don't understand how he got them up so far!

Elisa said...

My daughter 21months old is beginning to put crayons up her nose! (when we are not looking)