Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Tale of Two Boys...

I've been kicking myself lately because when havoc rains upon our household...I haven't grabbed my camera for visual record of our great catastrophes...instead, you will have to visualize this chaos with me....are you ready...I mean....REALLY ready...???

A lot goes on in the Lords are a few incidences from the past couple of weeks...

We'll start with Parker.  He thought it would be a FABULOUS idea to shove a tree seed INTO his ear canal.  This seed is roughly the size of a pinto bean (are we visualizing??).  He shoved it SO FAR IN that I couldn't  pull it out with tweezers as I have in the past...(yes, these things DO happen more than once unfortunately...) SOOOOO, we get to go to the ER.  LoVeLy. 

MEANWHILE...Blazer at some point during the day while playing outside decides that he will shove a rock up his nose.  Now I am thinking I have to take TWO boys to the ER to get foreign objects extracted from their faces.  I'm sure that will go over well....LUCKILY, I have had EVEN more practice with this, and I was able to get it out...PHEW!!!  Only one boy in the ER today!!!

Back to Parker...Upon looking at his ear, the ER doc states that it is all the way into his middle ear, and such cases generally call for an ENT to get it out, but that he'll try once just to see.  They hook Parker up to this minuscule vacuum and try sucking it out of his ear...SUCCESS!!!  Luckily we did not have to see a specialist, and we retreated blissfully to our home...

I hate to say that the remainder of the post focuses on Blazer, the impossible two year old...but what can I say...he just likes to keep life interesting...

If you ever wondered what would happen if you ate one those packs that come in shoes and whatnot to keep the moisture absorbed...well, I can surely tell you!!  YOU WILL BE FINE.  In fact, thanks to Blazer, we now know that you can eat the WHOLE PACK and be in good health.  All those shiny little clear silica gels are non toxic, and harmless...the warning is more for the choking hazard...thankfully...he didn't choke...

Also, if you EVER feel like you need a make over for your make-up collection, I'll send Blazer on over to your house.  All you have to do is keep the door unlocked to your bathroom.  When you are tending to the baby or other needs you may have, he will gladly EAT all your lipstick, SMEAR your concealer into the counter, JAM objects OTHER than the wand in your mascara, shake your mineral foundation all over the carpet as if it were winter falling over a tiny village coating it like the first snow fall...all the while you THOUGHT he was playing happily in the playroom...LUCKILY, lipstick is harmless to consume as well...

How are the visualizations going...would you like to borrow him yet??  He really is super adorable...and I love his little face!!!

In fact that sweet little face of his LOVES to chew gum!!  Today, he came inside chewing a piece of gum.  I asked him where he got it and he pointed outside with the biggest grin on his face...cheeky...Carter then proceeds to tell me that it was the gum that fell out of his mouth outside several days ago...he looked and looked and couldn't find it...Blazer took care of that one...YUMMMM...that gives a whole new meaning to "Lost and Found"!!!

Do you find it ironic that I found this picture and there's gum in Blazer's mouth??

Well...I hope that you enjoyed the small glimpse into our world over is a crazy one...full of excitement and awe...!!

Moral of the story?? I definitely think that God has a real sense of humor...and I love that he shares it with me most every day...!!!


Kerren said...

Not only are you a terrific MOM. . . amazing . . . you're a fabulous writer, and God is truly giving you opportunities and experience that DEMAND writing down. Love you!

Kristina P. said...

Well, they sound like a handful, don't they!

I once stuck an apple seed so far up my nose, we had to call a doctor in our ward and have him get it ou.

Missy said...

Oh My!
You need a Spa Day!

You need to show him the pic of the man who grew a pea plant on his lung! LOL

A.Lee said...

I can't believe how interesting your days are! I hope they keep it less interesting for a while for your sake! And I can't imagine kids ruining my make cup collection. Hang in there!!

Karen's Korner said...

Just wait til they want to play "Redneck Games!" We have a major house rule... ALWAYS wear a helmet. Boys are truly a odd species... but I love 'em... all 3 off mine :D

Laura said...

I really can visualize it. All I have to do is picture Carsten and the makeup thing is as real as it gets. Been there.

It's such a crime that makeup is so expensive!!!

But the foreign object problem, I thank my lucky stars all the time that I haven't had to deal with that one. Knock knock knock on wood.

Em said...

Agggghhhh! Sean once shoved m&m's up his nose and his mom had to take him to the er to have them removed.

The Cole Family said...

How do you do it girl!!! They're just too darn cute for their own good.

Unknown said...

Dear Parker and Blazer,
I wanted to be sure you were aware that you are under no contractual obligation to provide your mother with material for her blog. She can write hilarious and heartwarming posts without you two sticking foreign objects in your faces, destroying things, and just generally being gross. So...lay off the crazy for a while! :)

With love,

The Yearsley's said...

Is there EVER a dull moment at your house? Hahaha! Well at least it makes for good stories...and keeps all of us entertained...even if it IS at YOUR expense! Hahaha!