Hi there...I'm Synergy Girl...dot dot dot...as random and oddly deep as it may seem (for me that is) the best way I could imagine to describe to you our family, would to be to envision natural water...Every time you look at it, it is moving and changing, yet as a whole, it is constant. There is chaos in a storm, and we are calm in the still of no breeze. We let the love for each other shape the riverbeds of our lives, and the ocean's the limit to our growth and learning we still have yet to share...
H I L A R I O U S!! Great job!
So funny! Brian can really shake his hips! I've got to make one of those.
I knew you could dance, but Brian's pretty good too! Lol. Love it. Did you see the one of McKenna in High School musical on my blog? Also very funny.
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