Well, this could have been one of those days where blogland got me in trouble, but NO, I was working on a talk that I have to give in church tomorrow (GULP). The kids were upstairs playing, so I took the opportunity to sit down...for the seventeenth time...to work on/finish typing my talk...yes, I have to spell it out word for word on paper, get up to the pulpit, and HOPE that I don't have to stare at my paper the whole time...
ANYWAYS....Blazer had come down while I was lost in my train of thought. He was happily playing (which should have been a red flag...), and soon came running over to my chair with a handfull of shiny red easter egg grass type stuff that I use as tissue paper in NON-kids presents (for obvious reasons you will soon see). I looked down to see a shiny red MESSY trail leading around the corner...I gasped and said "NAUGHTIES!!!" ...and he took off running. I grabbed the camera that was ever so conveniently waiting for me on the desk and chased him down....
look at his innocent face...
Look at the disaster of a mess this "INNOCENT" face made...
LUCKILY, for some reason, when the kids came down, it was such a cool mess that they WANTED to help clean it up, and within ten minutes my nightmare of a clean-up was rescued!!! Who would have thought....?? It took Oakley six days to clean her room...meaning, she didn't get ANY snacks, didn't get to play ANY games, didn't get to do any EXTRA activities until her room was clean, but hey, throw some shiny red crap on the floor, and VIOLA!!!! It's clean...
Go figure...
Moral of the story is: Babies think they are funny and innovative, and if the mess is bad enough, maybe you won't have to actually clean it up!!!

well at least you thought to take pictures.
thanks for stopping by, its always nice to meet a sista
That's funny. At least it looks like Blazer knew it went in a bag, because it was landing in your purse!!
Love that "but Momma I'm really not in trouble am I?" look.
You're giving a talk today? Glad it's you and not me. Hmmm, at least the red shiny stuff didn't leave stains. Frozen blueberries and raspberries have a totally different effect, especially if their thrown with ferver in every direction. It maximizes the effect if it can cling to the walls, ceiling, light fixtures, carpet and beds. Better not tell Blazer.
Oh I just LOVE reading your blog. Your family just cracks us up!:)
yay Blazer! Keep it up I guess because your siblings are becoming better cleaners...I know, I shouldn't encourage him.
hooray for the kids for helping their mom out! That pic of Blazer is priceless!
I might be crazy, but I sort of miss those naughty messes.
Wuv the innocent wittle face! lol
I love that innocent little face. Priceless. I'm glad the grass wasn't the paper kind with dye in it. Can you imagine that red stuff all over your carpet then? All over his face and outfit? Hilarious kids you have...especially that Blazer!
LOL. What a stinker!
You have the cutest blog design in blog land :) I just love it
vanessa from inevergrewup.net
How did your talk go?
Thanks for all your comments on my blog. We have kind of been anti-social with sickness and being so busy but we are feeling all well now and that is nice. I hope you are feeling better, I asked Jenna the other day and she said you were doing better. I am excited to see you this weekend.
and the camera shall set ye free;-)
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