Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ruffle Bums are so cute...!!!

What could...

All This....

Mean??!!!! probably already know!!  We are expecting a GIRL!!!  WHOOO HOOO!!!  We had our ultrasound yesterday, and I have really felt like this baby was another cravings, the morning sickness, just everything felt like boy...We have even been referring to her (squeals) as "HIM"!!  Now I feel a litttle bad for that, cause she is DEFINATELY a HER!!!!!  We are super excited, and so is Oakley!!  We let her leave school early to come with us to the appointment.  We have been talking with her, and she had decided that she would love the baby even if it was a long as he came out "SMALL" cute...luckily, I could at least guarantee her that!!!  She was definately happy to know that she would have a baby sister after all!!  She has always felt sad becuase "Everyone has a room to share except me...I have to sleep alone..."  I hope she still feels the same way five years from now, when that cute little sister is getting into all of her stuff!!!!!

Yay for ruffles, flowers, and PINK...!!


Unknown said...

Yay for pinkyness! And she'll be born just in time for cute little spring dresses! *squeals*

Laura said...

I knew it I knew it I knew it!!!!

Yay!!! I get to have two new nieces this spring!!!

I love buying little girl things. This is going to be so fun!

The Yearsley's said...

Woo hoo! Soooo exciting! You are NOT gonna be able to contain yourself when it comes to shopping..are you??!! Shopping for little girls is so much fun!!! I am so excited for Oakley! However, I'm sure she's gonna wanna take her words back about wanting to share a room! Hahaha!

Thatcher Family said...

Yeah!! So excited for you guys! I love your new header too. Do you have a software that does that?

Kerren said...

Precious! There is no better news, ever, than the news of a new baby coming -- especially a long awaited baby girl! So happy for all of you!

Deborah Austin said...

YAHOOOO!!! What awesome news!!! Especially since you were sure it was a boy, see the Lord never fails to add humor:)(I'm so funny and orginal I know:)

I am so stinking excited for you all of you but especially for you and Oakley so whats the name gonna be???

Ok well great news! Have fun buying pink, everyone seems to be having girls right now maybe thats a good sign for me I need some blue someday:)

YEAH for girls! Congrats!

SouthfieldFam said...

YAY! I LOVE little girls! Kinda wanting one myself! ;o) Good luck with the name!

The Cole Family said...

YAY!! you finally after so long get another "y" baby! You and Oakley so deserve this. You are going to have way tooooo much fun getting ready for her. YAY! for sisters!

Em said...

can't wait:-)

Grand Pooba said...

Oh my Goooood! Yay! That is SO exciting. How fun for Oakley! She will be the best older sister ever (Having sisters rocks!)


Maria said...

Congrats on the girl. I am so happy for Oakley. I know it's hard being the only girl.

A.Lee said...

So happy for you guys (and Oakley)!!! That is so fun. Have fun buying up everything pink!

Rose said...

I knew it. Yep, I knew it all just had to be girl. I'm so excited for you!

Nicole said...

Yeah, how exciting!!! congratulations