Saturday, February 28, 2009

Just to Clarify...

Okay...many of you know me...and understand the cynical humor and workings of my mind, but I am realizing that some of my new readers are perceiving my daily madness as NeGaTiVe events...!! Please don't feel bad for my daily trials and catastrophes!!! Although I would love a perfect world with no tribulations...I wouldn't trade the world I have been given!! If I were truly upset by my daily happenings...I'd be sulking in a corner where you would not be reading them online...for the WHOLE world to have access!!

Basically what it comes down to is that I write for two is that I think, or more hope, that maybe by the humor of my life...someone out there can breath some reassurance in knowing that they aren't alone!! And two...I NEVER, EVER want to forget these memories. This is my only journal...I am horrible at keeping a real journal because every entry is filled half with an apology, and half with a generalized recap....for example, an entry would most likely look something like this:

(click to read)

so obviously, these random daily undertakings go unheard of, and forgotten. Not to mention I don't exactly glue pictures and links into my journal!!

SOOOOOO, the moral of the story is...I love my life, and I love how crazy it is...and PLEASE know that when my day can't get worse....then it has been perfect!


Young Momma said...

CUTE blog! Found you through SITs!

Jennifer C. Valerie said...

That's an awesome way to view life. Visiting from SITS. Have a great weekend!

Joleen said...

TJ! You make me laugh!!! In the same good way that you always have! :D Love ya!!

Oh- and we have that same Pooh sippy cup with the red lid.....of all the random things to notice.

Kristina P. said...

I'm a fairly new reader, and I didn't think that your blog was negative or crappy. I thought it was real!

RSusanna said...

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a nice comment. I don't think you have been negative at all, just like Kristina P said, its real. I love your blog and will keep following.

Laura said...

You make me laugh and cry. Life is so like that and I'm glad you seem to get it so well. I love you so much!!!!

Alexis AKA MOM said...

Super cute blog! I LOVE that picture :). Stopping by from SITS :).

Anonymous said...

Stopping by from SITS to say hi!

Rose said...

Being a mom is probably one of the most challenging jobs ever! I don't think there is anyone who can relate to that besides other moms.(Even our Husbands!!)Thats why I love your blog. Your does make me feel like I'm not alone!!

Nicole said...

LOL what a funny picture!

Claremont First Ward said...

I so glad you stopped by. I wanted to drop in and say hello yesterday, but time got away from me. I LOVE bloggers that are not afraid to tell it like it is! I look forward to many more visits!

TuTu's Bliss said...

That is a great pic and you have such a fun blog!!