Friday, February 6, 2009

The Lords Humor...

Well, I am sure some of you may have noticed that I changed our blog name...!! Pun SOOO intended. I mean, what is the point of having such an incredible name, and not using it?? Plus, I believe that our family is completely when Parker will lick dog pee, but when he saw the highchair yesterday that had crumbs I was going to dump out, he gasps...

"Ewwww!! That's yucky!! We can't lick highchairs and cereals!!!"

What?? I mean, ya...I could see how this would be much more horrific!! Not dry Cheerios, that would be completely vile! Well, I don't know where this obsession with licking things came about, but I do know one is humor....

Which brings me to yet another mind boggling question...How is it possible that the only time a baby puts their arms in a toilet, is when it isn't flushed??!! Does their sense of smell develop later in life??!! Well, today was the day!!! I know what you are thinking..."Why is your baby in a toilet in the first place...?" Well, it is simple really: In one tiny downstairs bathroom, there were four people...Me doing Daughter's hair, Three-year-old using potty, and Baby waiting for opportune time to come in for the kill...I just didn't see it coming...!!! Ahhhhh!! But I hear of toilet stories all the time involving babies, and unmentionables lurking in the throne of death and stench...

Well, what would my life be without these blissful moments of joyness?? Pretty dang boring I imagine!! Kids are so incredible, the workings of their little minds top any entertainment you would pay money to see. I have my own real time Fear Factor everyday!! Joe Rogan has nothing on me...!!

In conclusion, not only do I believe that our family is humorous, but our Maker as well. Our Lord and Savior blesses us, he tries us, and he humbles us with his warm humor. I believe whole heartedly that a sense of humor is Righteous!! I have four kids, a husband, and a certain father-in-law (love ya), to prove it!! We really are so very blessed, and the Lord will look over our household with a smile as our young children continue bewilder us daily...


Thatcher Family said...

Great post Tamra, although through part I thought I would HURL. :P But thankfully, it had a sweet ending. :) Love you much!!

Kristina P. said...

I like the blog name!

And Google Reader is a tool where you can put blog addresses into it and it will tell you when a new post is posted. It's like the Following thing you see on other people's blogs.

Jewel Allen said...

I love that pic at the end. I agree, I think our Savior meant for us to have JOY and LAUGH in this life!!

Deborah Austin said...

I love the new look where did you do the header did you do it on the cutest blog on the block I see that is where the back ground is from but how do you do a header like that. Let me know I would love the tips.

I love it though it looks so cute!

Mormon Mommy Blogs said...

you will find your blog listed under the Motherhood section on the MMB. Thanks and welcome!
~motherboard, mmb

Anonymous said...

I had to laugh, dog pee? Ewww!

Stopping over from SITS. I love your blog design, it's really cute.

Nicole said...

Hi! thanks for stopping by my blog. Your kids are so beautiful. Aaah the unflushed toilet, been there done that! It happens to the best of us :)

Joleen said...

TJ I love it! You make me laugh! :D And I agree that the Lord has a sense of humor. Why else would he send me twins?

Denyse said...

I love the title and your layout. Very cute blog!
Thanks for stopping by my place on my special SITS day!

Alli Blue said...

What a great blog! I hope you are doing well! Your kids are just beautiful!

Donnetta said...

Yummy! They do tend to find the most disgusting and then USE it!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Jan Holt said...


See, you became WAY more interesting than me the moment you mentioned your child licking dog pee. I mean really... who can top that.

Seriously though, thanks for the kind words and for visiting my site. I'll be back to visit you too!

Tiffaney said...

K, I totally LOVE the name of your blog. I'm so jealous. I wish my last name was Lord. But more than the name of you blog, I love your blog. So funny, and so reassuring to know that my kids aren't the only (sometimes) gross ones out there! Great post :)

Sunshine said...

My first days in the blogging world and I'm so enjoying seeing what people post. I loved your 25 things post -- I haven't done mine yet but am enjoying getting them from friends on FB. Let me know if you need any advice about directing your camp, and thanks for stopping by my blog. My husband is the graphics guy who is going to help me "beautify." Love your family name! Audrey