Wednesday, February 18, 2009

WHAT to DO...

Well, as of late I have become rather obsessed with blogging!! I have to be careful though, cause if I sit down at the computer during "mommy hours" I may very well forget the subject children I blog about!! Next thing I would know, there would be Desitin smeared all over the baby, the carpet, all of the downstairs doorknobs, random walls, the toilet, and finally all over the sink the culprit tried..I mean...WoUlD try to wash their hand!! Yes...I confess...I blogged...Why is it that I can get so in my world that I can forget about what is happening right behind my chair??!!

The other problem seems to be that the more that I "blog surf" the less that I actually have to write about...cause I am sittin' on the computer missin' everything!! What a concept....

The solution?? Well, I deal with Desitin if I need some mommy time, cause face it...a nice hot bath would really just result in a community soak fest...

SOOO basically what it comes down to is life will happen, and to get away from it all, I will laugh and smile at everyone else's daily blunders...Sure beats yelling and threatening my children with their lives cause I cant DEAL. And...when they are all asleep, and husband is put to bed safe and sound...I am back in my little world....


Kristina P. said...

I say neglect your family in order to blog!

Nicole said...

Oh yes I have the same dilemna! I actually have to turn my computer off and close up the armoire and walk away. That's the only way Im gonna get my house clean and all of my crap done!

Aubrey said...

Oh, I go through phases. When I'm addicted, I'm baaaad.
I ♥ Blogging!

Coming over from SITS to say Welcome!

Tiphaine Brewer said...

These stories make me happy! Glad ours isn't the only house Desitin likes to pick on!

AndreaLeigh said...

funny stuff! we all have needs, right? you need some bloggy time!

just stopping by from sits to say hello.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one! There are so many fun things to do and people to see in bloggy land. I think balance is the only solution - and Costco, so you can stock up on giant tubs of Desitin LOL! Welcome to SITS :)

Unknown said...

So true...

I don't even try to blog anymore until the munchkins are in bed, because Rubes just wants to "help" mommy.

Sturgmom said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!!

You have THE cutest layout! LOVE IT!

I find evenings after the kids have gone to bed IS a good time to blog and blog surf. It can be hard to find that balance, though.

Rose said...

I'm right there with you! I love it!!!

mitzi said...

Hi Tamra!
It is fun to see what you are up to! Your kids are soooo cute! I hope you can find a little time to catch your breath! I confess--I spent too much time blogging today--and I am going to quit right now! (if I can just stop typing...)