Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bada bing...Bada BOOM!!!

I got tagged a while ago, and am just now getting to it...ya, I know...figures right??!! Well, it was my AWESOME friend Cynthia who tagged me with this photo tag, and I thought what a fun idea...but then I thought "Oh crap...what freakish picture of me is going to be plastered all over the web??!!" Well part of my procrastination is because of COURSE the freakish picture was of ME!!! and I am HUGE!!! DANG IT!!! Sigh....Oh was for a good cause right??

Well, here are the fabulous rules:

1. Go to your documents/pictures

2. Go to your 6th file

3. Go to your 6th picture

4. Post it, and blog about it

5. Tag 6 people to do the same

6. Name your picture...I added this since there

is no official 6th rule...and since this is the

whole 6 theme...I thought it would be necessary
"Bada bing.....bada BOOM!!"
So, I am pregnant...!! Wow...betcha couldn't figure that one out. This was with Blazer, (the youngest) and man, I got SO big!! I think this is about two or three weeks before I actually delivered. He even made it one day worse by being late...darn little cutie...!!! I guess looking at that picture though, it is no wonder things haven't exactly gotten back to their original form...nor will they ever...unless we become rich and famous and I can surgically put it all back, and even then, it will be half fake, so it doesn't really count anyways...
Moral of the story is: BRB....Babies Ruin Bodies...(and you thought it meant "Be right Back"...psh)
Okay, just kidding, really...if you have never been pregnant, it is the most amazing, and amazingly uncomfortable thing you will go through, and if you have been pregnant, and given birth to a beautiful healthy know how really worth it, it is...
Okay, so I am not sure who has been tagged, and who hasn't, but I tag...Melissa, Deborah, Rose, Robin, Alana, and Trina!!


The Rambler said...

Great pic. :)

And so agree with the BRB thing.

I keep staring at mine wondering who it is? ((sigh))

Ms Cupcake said...


Good morning everybody! Have a wonderful fun Sunday from a fellow sitsa.

Checking in from Zen Cupcake

Nicole said...

Holy cow you were big! Thats how I was with the first 2. I cant agree more with the BRB. Isnt it crap?!

Kristina P. said...

You still look gorgeous!!

Miss said...

Ha ha! I'll do my tag when YOU DO MINE. :P

Young Momma said...

You look awesome in that picture!!! :) It's amazing the things our bodies go through when we're pregnant! lol!! I agree though, TOTALLY worth it. :)

susette said...

I'm coming over from Mormon Mommy Blogs, asking for your help. I am in the running for a round trip airfare paid ticket to Connecticut, to meet a friend I became acquainted with through blogging. She is a super fun person and is holding this contest. I entered a funny story titled "Grapejuice Floaties, Now Marry Me." The person whose story receives the most votes will win a trip to meet this generous lady, whom I'm hoping to meet. The voting ends tonight-midnight. I used to be ahead but there is a story coming up from behind out of nowhere, and it's a tight race now. I would so much appreciate your help. Her blog is and the voting is on the sidebar on the right. "Grapejuice, Floaties" Just go there and cast a vote for me, please. Thanks so much-you're awesome! ♥♥

RSusanna said...

It looks like you were all baby. It's a great pic.

Melissa said...

You look darling! Isn't it amazing what our bodies do??? I get huge when I am pregnant. Like, side of a barn huge. Oh well. Good cause, but yes, things will never be the same (my last baby was 10 lb 4 oz. Huge!)

Am I the Melissa you tagged? I'm going to do it, even if I look stupid because you are talking to someone else. I need something fresh to blog about. :)

Unknown said... look so cute!
I love when pregnancy gets to the point of where OTHER people can see when the baby moves. I was sitting in church today totally preoccupied with watching the little alien movements of my belly.

Absolutely Ladylike said...

I think you look gorgeous on this pic. Wish I will look the same when (if) I will be pregnant...Stopping by from SITS. Have a great day. love: Evi

A.Lee said...

I love how skinny the rest of your body is being 9 months pregnant!

Nate and Robin said...

So I hope I was the Robin on your list because I did it. If not, I did it anyway, so there.

Em said...

look how dang cute you were as a pregnant girl!!!! and a non pregnant girl, i'm just sayin, dang cute pic.

Jolene said...

Your tummy was huge, but the rest of you looked great!!!! (and I have to agree with your BRB thing too!)

The Yearsley's said...

There are just some people who look good prego- and you're one of them! It doesn't even look like you gain any weight other than your belly! Well, I think it's a cute pic!