Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Toilet Wars and Slurpies...

For once, this post isn't directly related to the disastrous three year old....!! Can you believe it?? It is his co-conspirator that is beginning to drive me to that place we don't say out loud around the innocent children...sigh....

Well, I don't know WHY, but this goes back to my previous, and unanswered question... "How is it possible that the only time a baby puts their arms in a toilet, is when it isn't flushed??!! " I do NOT understand my baby's obsession with the toilet!! Can I just tell you how hard it is with up to 8 people living in the house (my sissy stays here for a week or so, every other week or so...) to make sure the bathroom door is closed EVERY single TIME someone frequents it???!!! Well, I guess it IS becoming easier due to this child's laser senses and built in homing device to the white throne of death and stench, because...

Any time he gets the chance, he First: puts anything and EVERYTHING he can get his hands onto, and dumps it into the toilet, for example, he is steadfast about emptying our trashes...the cutie boy...INTO THE TOILET, or putting our games away for us...INTO THE TOILET (goodbye were good to us...Yahtzee was our "reading material" in our bathroom...!!! LOL) THEN: once all items are in said toilet, and thoroughly saturated he thinks..."HEY, THAT LOOKS delicious!!! " And proceeds to take such items OUT of the toilet to SLURP (yes, that is ACTUALLY the sound he makes...) the succulent juices out of the PILE of toilet paper he so frivolously wasted into the toilet. Finally: the flinging frenzy begins, he flings all the cool slimy goop everywhere...!!

Ta Da!!!!

Check out the toilet juices on the floor...YUM....!!!

And yet another incident...Note the toilet paper...NOT in the toilet...see next picture...

f L i N g....!!!!

He really does get SOOOO upset when he is caught. He just doesn't understand why mommy doesn't let him finish his snack...

And don't you worry...I ALWAYS clean up the mess....

I am just not sure what is really worse...going to the doctor on several more than one occasion to have items taken out of Parker's nose...cause he had the Nose obsession...EVERYTHING got jammed up there...!!! ????? Don't ask...cause really...I have NO idea...but I do have several tiny Ziplocks full of random objects with his age detailed on the front, to put in his baby box, or possibly for blackmail at a later age...haven't decided...LOL

or is this nasty toilet fixation worse...????

Maybe you can answer this stupefying question....


Anonymous said...

LOL and eeewwwwwww!

Thatcher Family said...

L O L. So funny. So gross. So glad it's you and not me!! Ha ha!

Kristina P. said...

It's like this black hole of fun!

Nicole said...

Aaaaaacccckkkkk. Lovely obcession your child has! I think I would take up the nose anyday. I wish I had a solution for you. Go buy one of those child safety door handles???

Forrest said...

I don't know about you, but I like to eat my cold cereal out of the biggest bowl in the house.

Grand Pooba said...

Hee hee, you got everything in your toilet but poop, and I've got poop all over my house but in the toilet!

The Yearsley's said...

Ha!!! Nothing like a little (or alot) toilet water to quench the thirst! I'm sorry- but that is so funny! I can laugh about it now- Baylee use to do the same thing- it wasn't so funny then!

The Rambler said...

OMG.....our kids sorta have the same fixation. Except mine is 2. But the other day, I walked into the bathroom and she was stuffing her towel in the toilet. AAAAAAAAA.

I don't get it either.

And my mother. She chuckles and tells me Karma has caught up with me. :)

Melissa said...

Henry totally is obsessed with our toilet. We finally had to put a lock on it. (And he RIPPED IT OFF!!!!!!) So gross. So, now our toilet is totally ghetto with a duct taped refrigerator lock on it. It is working for now.

The big problem now is other kids that go rushing into the bathroom and have to take the time to unlock the potty.... must plan for an extra minute.

Em said...

ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is making me want to get those toilet locks, did you see "baby mama?" so funny.

Brittany Ann said...

This is funny mostly because of last night. I heard my three year old and my one year old giggling together (which never happens) ad went down to see the adorableness. They had been splashing in the TOILET! the basement bathroom was totally flooded with nasty toilet water, they were both soaked. I didn't know whether to laugh orr cry. But I'm sure once we all get over whatever horrible disease we are going to contract we'll laugh.
Any my vote, is that the toilet thing is worth than the nose thing. Good luck!

A.Lee said...

I'm not sure what to say. I can't believe a baby wants to play in that. What a mess you have to deal with! So sorry. I haven't had a child with a nose or toilet fixation yet, and I"m keeping my fingers crossed.

Mama Nut said...

My son once stuck a big ol' safety pin inside my seven-month-old daughter's nose and I had to call a paramedic to come and get it out. Well, okay, the paramedic was my brother who lives next door but whatever! It was still scary and I was one unhappy mom! So I feel your pain about tiny objects being stuffed up noses. Stopping by from SITS to say the look of your blog, by the way!

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog on mormon mommy and I am dying with laughter. And I am also gagging a little. My 16 month old has the same obsession! It totally drives me bonkers! Thanks for the laugh, I am off to take pic of my toilet which I know for a fact had a toy tractor in it that I was too lazy to clean up this morning. Hey I cleaned the baby! That's all that counts, right!